To encourage, foster and maintain the highest possible standards in public health practice
To undertake and assist statutory bodies like MCI in redesigning the existing curriculum of public health as per the emerging health needs. To undertake or assist others in undertaking training courses or other educational activities designed to enhance the knowledge and skill of public health practitioners. To encourage carrying on, by public health practitioners and others, of research on matters of health & health systems with a view to the improvement of public health practice and to undertake or assist others in undertaking such research. To encourage the public health practitioner to do health system research and share the results with the health providers (public & private) & public at large to improve the health condition of the community. To assess the quality of health care package & practice by the health care providers and share the same with the public & providers for providing the best evidence based & cost effective health care package and its efficient utilization. To standardize the methods of public health practices based on scientific evidence & logic. At the 1st meeting of the ad hoc committee of the IAPH (formed in the 149th CC meeting), a decision has been taken to look into the Post Graduate & Undergraduate Public health Curricula to critically analyze their relevance, to define the competencies and skills required, to formulate a core curriculum based on the health, to define the essential inputs infrastructure, man power, hardware & soft ware necessary for conducting such training and to develop an evaluation process. The time frame for this activity has been fixed as within next 6 months |